The Power of Rest

Do you find that life has become busier since COVID restrictions were lifted? At times it can feel that there is a need to make up for the time we lost.

I don’t know about you but there are times I miss elements of COVID and the enforced rest it brought, the fact that there was permission to stay at home and not have to go anywhere.

I’ve recently been going through the John Mark Comer series on Sabbath and I’ve realised how easy it has been to fall back into old ways of filling the diary and not giving space to breathe.

It can feel that being ‘busy’ is society’s norm but actually not allowing time for rest may mean:

🟣You can find yourself getting easily stressed and you feel overwhelmed
🟣You find you’re eating more junk food and feeling worse for it
🟣You find yourself not being as productive as you like
🟣You find you have less energy and need more caffeine to get through the day

Rest is important and is something we all need to do. As I delve more into practising the Sabbath, I’m reminded of the beauty of switching off from the world. For me, this looks like on a Saturday evening enjoying a meal with friends and family and celebrating our weeks. Turning my phone off from the internet until Sunday evening. Taking time to enjoy being with the husband, and going for walks or trips to the beach.

My favourite part has been turning my phone off from the internet for a full 24 hours. Through doing this I’ve realised how much I look at my phone, and find myself scrolling through social media. I’m definitely guilty of seeing what others are up to and comparing myself, not always in the best way!

I’ve enjoyed the silence and peace this has brought. I’ve allowed myself to sit, read and have a nap, all without feeling the pressure of meeting the demands of the world. And for those of you who are wondering I keep my phone on for calls and texts, right now I’m not quite ready to turn it all off!

Taking time to have a Sabbath is allowing me to rediscover the beauty of being me, to sit in the place I find myself and to have time to process what I need to. To step away from the busyness of life and have some calm.

Today what would it look like for you to take some time to rest and enjoy a Sabbath?

I encourage you to step into the power of rest for a day over this long weekend and find yourself feeling energised and ready for the week ahead as a consequence.

On that note it’s time for me to take a longer rest, so Happy Easter to you all, I’ll see you after a few days away from the laptop!

Categories: : health and wellbeing, mental health, rest